The Dynamics of Gender and Life: TABLE of CONTENTS - paperback edition

The following Table of Contents is from "The Dynamics of Gender and Life" (1st Edition, published 22 November 2019).

WHY read this book?    ix

Why you might not want to read this book    ix

How this book is structured    x

Figure 1: The fundamentals of life    xi

Easy then, not so much now    1

Section 1: Some helpful tools    3

The KISS-Ockham Tool    3


The Belief-Habit Cycle    7

Figure 2: The Belief-Habit Cycle    8

Figure 3: Cue: insult. Response: anger    9

Figure 4: Same cue, different response    10

The Belief-Habit Cycle, in more detail    10

Choosing not to choose is still a choice    11

Figure 5: Choices, choosing, chosen    12

Back to belief-systems...    12

Why we choose what we choose    15

Figure 6: Choice of responses    15

Figure 7: For self, for group    17

The right-hemisphere’s ‘Wego’, the left-hemisphere’s ‘Igo’    18

Why split Ego into ‘Wego’ and ‘Igo’?    21

Figure 8: Wego vs Igo    23

Section 2: Our universe in conversation    24

The SOS Model    24

It’s just us    25

Being limited is good for us. Necessary, in fact    26

Figure 9: To be, or not to be ... naked    27

Figure 10: Inward causation    28

Important consequences of self-organising systems    29

How our brains perceive the SOS    32

Figure 11: Parts and wholes, things and relationships    34

Figure 12: Left-, right- hemisphere perceptions    35

Figure 13: Right-wing focus, left-wing relationships    36

The limitations of left-hemisphere perception    36

Figure 14: The art of forming words    38

The brain as filter and enabler    38

Discover what you don’t know    41

Figure 15: The dual process of left, right-hemispheres    44

Enter the quantum    45

What’s in the gaps?    47

Figure 16: Unlimited to limited, possibilities to actuality    49

Figure 17: Unfolding actuality, enfolding possibility    50

Figure 18: Our refreshing reality    51

Figure 19: Choice, belief, time    52

Figure 20: Barnsley Fern    53

Introduction to the creative process    54

Figure 21: The proCreative cycle    55

Impossible    56

Even so, so what?    58

Time out, recap    59

Opening to possibility    60

Combining the hierarchical (vertical) with the communal (horizontal).    61

Figure 22: Many (possibilities, people). One (individual, result)    62

  • Space    62
  • Time    63

Figure 23: Unfolding actuality, enfolding possibility    64

Fractals, pre-physical waves and nonlocality    64

Why is the ‘feminine’ correlated with the meta-physical?    68

Deeper forms of ego    70

Figure 24: Ego, Transfinite ego, and ...    71

The interplay of conscious and unconscious    72

Figure 25: Possibility, societal limitations, individual choice    75

Is my transfinite ego (‘soul’), masculine or feminine?    76

Sexing the small bits    79

  • Bosons    79
  • Fermions    80

The SOS and all life is a creating process    85

Figure 26: The dynamic process of Nature    86

Section 3: Real-world application of the SOS model    87

We can know the tip, we cannot ever know the base    87

Figure 27: Inexhaustible potential    88

Keys to creativity and wisdom    90

Meditation and Yoga boost self-enhancement (aka ego)    93

Tribalism, boson-togetherness and ‘Identity Politics’    98

The functional, fermion-natured focus on fixing    99

Figure 28: Functional Fermions    100

The subconscious as a mirror    102

Moving mountains, neuroplasticity and physioplasticity    102

Flow, and peak states    104

If it’s to be, it’s up to me    105

The foresight of women’s intuition    106

Figure 29: ‘Highly masculine’ (low empathy)    110

Re-framing The Big 5 Personality Traits using the SOS Model    111

  • Extraversion / Introversion    111
  • Conscientiousness    112

Figure 30: ‘Big 5’ Personality Traits    112

  • Agreeableness    112
  • Neuroticism (Emotional stability)    113
  • Openness, Creativity    113

The boson-nature of agreeableness, and the wage-gap    114

Sameness is not equality    115

Figure 31: Different, not same    116

The gender imbalance in technology    118

Functional, in their sheds    119

Feminine and masculine creativity    120

Figure 32: Feminine and Masculine Creativity    120

The rousing, beneficial energy of creative aggression    121

Unity or truth: which prevails?    124

In-sourcing our personal power, an antidote to tribalism    125

Homo, and hetero sexuality    127

Pre-birth and after-death states    127

Additional notes concerning pre-birth, and after-death states    129

Finding your inner Hannibal – the power of individuality    129

Section 4: Appendix    131

What does ‘holodynamic system’ mean?    131

As within the whole, so within the part    132

Figure 33: Religious, left-hemispheric shame: good vs bad    134

The birth of sin, science and shame    135

The evolution of the human psyche    138

  • Early Era: Oneness    138
  • Individuation    139

Figure 34: The Evolution of the Human Psyche    140

  • Peak Disconnect    141
  • Reconnecting    142
  • Self-Organising-Sentient (SOS) Awareness    143

Triangle and Pattern Thinking    144

Chaos is not complexity    145

The TOA (Totality of One and All)    146

Apparent contradictions in the Table of One and All (TOA)    146

  • TOA 1 of 5    148
  • TOA 2 of 5    149
  • TOA 3 of 5    150
  • TOA 4 of 5    151
  • TOA 5 of 5    152

Bibliography    153

Index    160